When my Mom passed away one of the things I kept was an old watch that had stopped working. I didn't want to get rid of it because it was one that she wore a lot and loved because my Dad had given it to her. After much thought I decided to upcycle it into something I would love to wear.........Here is the final result. I think my Mom would approve.
All I did was remove the band, take out all the guts, and added a ring to the back so I could attach it to a chain. The little owl I added inside behind the glass was made with Polymer clay and mica powder. (I make a mold from poly clay when I get a charm I like so I can use it in other projects) I must have 100 by now. lol I think the contrast between the metal and clay add interest to the piece. Now I have a way to keep an updated version of my Mom to wear and enjoy. I hope this inspires you to look around at memories and find new ways to enjoy them. Peace, Love, and Light to all. Bright Creative Blessings my friends. 'The Hipster' ;-)
YOU rock! Thanks for stopping by and your kind words. Love the owl pendant you made out of your mom's watch!
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